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IUML MLA arrested in Kerala gold jewellery cheating case

Kasaragod: Police on Saturday arrested Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) MLAM C Kamaruddin for allegedly cheating several people who invested in a gold jewellery business run by him here.

The special investigation team, which was constituted to probe over 115 cases registered against him, arrested the MLA at the SP office where he was being questioned since morning,police sources said.

The police had earlier registered a case against the Majeshwaram MLA and T K Pookoiya Thangal of IUML, a major ally of the opposition Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF), under section 420 (cheating) of the Indian Penal Code, suspecting a multi-crore fraud.

The case, registered after over two dozen complaints were received in the Chendera and the Kasaragod police stations, were handed over to the State Crime Branch.

The MLA, however, while being taken to the hospital for medical examination, following the arrest, told the media that the arrest was a politically motivated one.

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