How to update provident nomination online
Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) allows subscribers to submit their Provident Fund (PF) account’s nomination details online via its official portal- Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) is a mandatory contribution from every employee towards his or her retirement savings. According to EPFO’s portal- it is important to nominate members to the EPF account. Then only the nominated members can withdraw the EPF savings in the event of subscribers’ sudden demise. Subscribers can nominate more than one nominee and also fix the percentage of sharing among all such nominees.
To avail EPFO’s online nomination facility, subscribers must have an active UAN (Universal Account Number). Also, Aadhaar details should have been seeded to subscribers’ EPF account.
Here are the steps to submit PF account’s nomination details online:
Step 1: Open EPFO portal – and login by using your UAN and password
Step 2: Click on ‘Manage’ tab and then click on e-nomination option

Step 3: Your details like UAN, name, date of birth, gender etc., are displayed. Provide your ‘current and permanent address’ details here. Click on save

Step 4: Now, click on ‘yes’ to update family declaration
Step 5: Go to ‘add family member(s)’ and add the details of your family members whom you want to nominate. Here, you need to enter the names, date of birth, relation and address of the nominee. You can even add more than one nominee by clicking on ‘adding the row’. In case of minor as a nominee, you need to assign a guardian

Step 6: Go to ‘nomination details’ and declare the total amount of share among your nominees. In case, you would like to nominate only one member of your family as your nominee then you can declare 100 per cent as the share

Step 7: Click on ‘Save EPF nomination’ button
Step 8: Now, click on e-sign button to generate OTP, which will be sent to the mobile number that is linked to the Aadhaar card. The Aadhaar e-sign facility helps in approving the e-nomination form. Enter the OTP

With this, the e-nomination gets registered with the EPFO. There is no need to send any physical document to the employer or ex-employer after the online nomination is done.